This application is provide various types of features in the application such as search locations from the USA, India, Russia, Brazil, Canada, Mexico, Indonesia, and any other country in the world. Also, The city, state, country, and operator of the phone number will be displayed and the geographic location will be shown on the maps with your present location and distance.Easy to use this application.Features:- 1. Number Location * User can find the location and network provider from the mobile number.2. GPS Location. * User can find address of current location using gps co-ordinates in the application. * Also getting the longitude and latitude of current gps location.3. Traffic Finder * Live Mobile Number Location is provide to find traffic from the map.4. Compass * Find the direction of using compass map in the application.5. STD Codes * User can easily get the STD codes using search a city.6. ISD Codes * User can easily get the ISD codes using search a country.7. PIN Codes * There are easily search pin codes of the areas in Live Mobile Number Location app.8. Near By Place * User can search various type of near by place such as atm, cafe, gym, hospital, hotels, parking,etc.9. SIM Card Info * Find the information of the sim card such as customer care number, how to know number, balance enquiry.10. Mobile Tools * There are provide device information such as battery, screen, camera. * Also provide information of system usage of the mobile phone. * Set a ringtone, notication tone, alarm tone in the mobile phone.11. Bank Info * Live Mobile Number Location app provide a bank inforation such as check bank balance number nad customer care number.12. Wheather * Easy to get the current wheather of city using this application. ALso provide the information such as wind speed, humidity, visibilty, air pressure, cloud clover, temprature. Disclaimer: - Live Mobile Number Location - GPS Location will not show the actual physical location/GPS location of the caller.All location information is grouped and shown at State/City level only based on area code.If you like our application, Kindly give a feedback of the application.Thanks